Many would have seen the trend of such items being worn by the likes of Mr Elizabeth Hurley (albeit the glamorous version) Imran Khan (cricketer) and others.
The item of clothing one refers to are variously known as - Salwar-Kamez, Punjabi etc, etc...
Made out of cotton or a cotton-viscose mix – they are not only striking looking but fantastically fun and comfortable to wear! A right little maharaja one is allowed to feel like (providing you have lovely maharani running around the house, you are good to go! WOOF! WOOF!)
Well, all things Islamic/Indian/sub-continent are variously making headlines and one thing that this humble waster feels should – and certainly deserved the proverbial ‘doff’ of the hat, is this hugely underrated ‘alternative sleep wear’.
A jaunt down your nearest ‘Indo-Asian’ High Street will offer you a wide selection to pick from. They don’t cost a king’s ransom and you get to feel like a king within the confines of your very own kingdom.
A selection of pics to help give a visual flavour.